The Best Popular Programming Languages : C

The Best Popular Programming Languages

Hi everyone! I am starting a new thing. We will mention to best popular programming languages. I will mention C today.

Why should you know C?

    Firstly, C has many variants. These are C++, C#, etc. They have a special purpose but they are like each other. C is the fundamental language of algorithms.
Many important programs were written with C. For example Visual Studio, Windows, Adobe Photoshop, etc. Also, many games were written in C and C++. I should explain this. A program or application can write in more than one language. Because you don't use one module. For example, you want to build a shopping website. You need PHP, JavaScript, HTML(HTML is not a programming language. It is only a mark language.), ASP.NET, MySQL, and so on. As a result, almost every programwrittene with C or its variants. Lessor much is not important. You need to know.

What are the downsides of C?

    If you ask this question to a programmer, You'll hear "C is difficult according to other languages". It is true. Because C is a lower programming language It makes it difficult. That means C is so close to machine language(0,1). We can line up other downsides like that:
  • C has many libraries for special purposes.
  • Commands of C have many differences.
  • C has difficult syntax rules and it is bad.
  • C has not enough AI modules.

What is the advantage of C?

    This question has many answers but I will say some:
  • You can write mobile applications with C.
  • You can write difficult algorithms with C.
  • C has many commands. You can find what you need.
  • C has more educational material on the web.

How can you learn C? 


W3School has many educational materials about programming. They teach step by step and it affects your skills. Also, it is free. You can reach many questions on the website. You can improve your programming skills. I know there are C++ but they are like each other
    Udemy is course unity. I am sure you can find a good C programming course. Also, I adviselookingk at the other courses. I should say, I have never used Udemy but my teachers use it.

    I did not use this forum but I advise using forums for programming.

Thanks for reading! I hope we will meet on other pages.


  1. C has special syntax for me because it so difficult but if you get used, it is not a problem.


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