The Best Popular Programming Languages : Python

The Best Popular Programming Languages: Python

Hi, We will talk about the Python programming language.

Why should you know Python?

    Python is the easiest programming language in the world. That's why the schools teach python first. And you can improve your programming knowledge. You can learn fundamental programming subjects in Python. Many AI engineers use Python because it is easy. Also, you can build a website with Python(Django). And Python was written by C. Therefore Python is a high-level language. Python has many modules that's why you can write many different programs. Also, many hacker programs were written with Python. Finally, If you want to be a successful programmer, you should learn python first.

What are the downsides of Python?

  • Syntax of Python is so easy. You can mix the codes.
  • Python use tab among the codes. You can not write long and mix algorithms
  • You are not able to compile the codes. That means is you can not convert .exe
  • Finally, Python has not many commands. For example, arrays. You must use lists for them

What is the advantage of C?

  • Python is easy, therefore you can start with Python to programming
  • You can read codes cleaner in Python
  • You have not add ";" to every end of every command
  • Finally, you can use a virtual process in python    

How can you learn Python? 

    I believe the best website of one thing, It is the official website. Because you can reach true knowledge. And it is the official page of Python.

    edX is a famous course network. Also, these courses are from Harvard, MIT, and IBM. You can find free courses and not free courses.
    MIT OCW is like edX but has differences. These courses teach on MIT and you can reach free. You can find more of this course on the website. 

Example Code:


  1. I used Python roughly 1 year and I can say Python is different than other language. You can add comment.


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