Fundamental Programming and Algorithm Lessons: C++ Variables




    We store some data in variables. C++ have common 5 variable type:
  • 1)Integer: storages integer numbers 5 ,4 75 etc.
  • 2)String: Storages texts: Hello, hi, etc.
  • 3)Double: Storages float numbers 14.8, 78.8, 50.5, etc.
  • 4)Char: Storage single character A, e, i etc.
  • 5)Bool: Storage 2 states: he,she ; true, false;yes,not...


  • int: You can identify an integer as variable
  • string: You can identify a text as variable
  • double: You can identify a float number as variable
  • char: You can identify  a character as variable
  • bool: You can identify a state as variable

Syntax Rules

Typeofvariable nameofvariable = valueofvariable ;
