Fundamental Programming and Algorithm Lessons: C++ String Proces


String Proces


    We sometimes need to do a change on strings. Therefore I am goint to mention String Process

Defining Strings

    We know "How can we defining a string variable" but I will explain one more way. We can defin strings like that :
    std::string str1("texts");

Adding a string on other string

    We typ + for adding strings. An example:
std::string name("kadir");
std::string surname("çamuryapan");
std::string str1 = name + surname;

Comparing Strings

    We need know "How can we compare 2 string" before If else lesson. We use "==

std::string name("kadir");
std::string surname("kadir");
std::bool = (name == surname);

Length or String Size

       We use length() or size() commands to find length of string.
std::string name("kadir");
int uzunluk = name.length();

Reach to Char of String

    We can reach a char of string.We use that synstax:


    An example :
std::string name("kadir");

Find Command

    We can check Is a string in another string or not ? If yes, where ? with this command. We use like that:
N mean is C++ start searching which first index. C++ return index of char when firstly see this string on other string.


    We can select a part of string. We use substr() command like that :

N mean is How many index after begin index for cutting ?

Erasing a Part of String   

    If we want to delete a part of string, we use erase() comannd to do. Using rules is like substring:
N mean is how many do you want delete after begin index.

Insert Command

    We can add a string to other string. But we will see how can we add a string after any index.
