How can you understand fake e-mails ?

 How can you understand fake e-mails?

    Hi, everyone. I will help you on the internet.

Who is the sender of the e-mail?

    I think it is the first rule. You must check the sender. After, compare it with the official e-mail of the company. I advise visiting the website of the company and find the official e-mail. If they are same, it is the true e-mail. Be carefully checking the chars. They can play games like that:

Official e-mail:
Fake e-mail:

Are they know your name?

    Don't forget them: They only know what did you input on the website. For example, You write kadir_turkey for a nickname so e-mail should use this name. If they use Kadir Çamuryapan, so this e-mail is fake.

Official e-mails: Hello KdR4545, you have a new item!
Fake e-mails: Hello Kadir, you have a new item!

Do you have any information about e-mail before?

    You should read e-mail. For example, If you didn't use forget my password option but one mail is about changing the password. This is probably a fake e-mail. Another example, you didn't register a website but they send an e-mail about your account. It is probably fake mail. I can't give example for this subject:(

Is e-mail logical?

    I advise thinking about why did they send this e-mail? For example, If the e-mail is about "You Win 1 Billion Sathoshi!!!!", It is not logical. This is probably a joke or fake mail.
Official e-mails: %50 SALE IN CLOTHES
Fake e-mails: FREE CLOTHES

Can you see any typos in the e-mail?

    It is so important because a company or customer service doesn't type with typos. If they send an e-mail and that has many typos so it is probably a fake e-mail.
Official e-mails: Do you have a car?
Fake e-mails: Do you have car??????

Thanks for reading me!
